Donations & Sponsorship Opportunities


This website and the Heart Soul Meditation classes are offered free of charge.


Running classes in different locations as well as maintaining this website occur different costs (travel, accomodation, homepage development etc.). If you would like to assist, you can make a single donation via PayPal or choose to make an ongoing monthly sponsorship by clicking on one of the buttons below.


Thank you for supporting the Heart Soul Meditation!


Single Donation

Please click the following button to make a donation of your choice.


You will be redirected to Paypal where you can pay online or with your credit card.


Ongoing Sponsorship Opportunities

To offer an ongoing monthly sponsorship, please choose one of the following options.


$5/month: $10/month: $20/month: $30/month:

You will be redirected to Paypal where you can pay online or with your credit card. If at any point of time you would like to unsubscribe you can directly to that from the Paypal website or by clicking on the related unsubscribe button above.


Thank you for your support!