Credits & Thank you

The BALENO CHARITABLE FOUNDATION (“BALENO”) would like to give credit and thank the following parties for making this website possible.


Website Creation

This website was created and is operated in cooperation with the Baleno Foundation.



Credits to to freenetlaw for providing many of the legal documents related to this website, such as the copyright license and privacy policy as well as parts of the disclaimer.



Thank you to The Wellness-Shop and Advanced Millennium Technologies for providing the hosting and domain registration services associated with this website.


Graphics & Animation

A big thank you to Pixelmacher for providing the creative design, html template & css integration for the website and its implementation and programming in Typolight.


A big thank you to Jupiter Creations for the animations, 3D movies and graphics that make this website special.


Content Management

We're using the open source software Typolight for managing the content of this website.



As with any credits we might have forgotten somebody. Please do not take it personally, just let us know why you should be honoured on this page also.


And last but not least we give thanks to that wisdom which is the source of the knowledge presented on this website. Without it, there would be nothing to present.